Opening Files to Rename: In order to rename file you must select a folder that the files are contained in.
To do this you can either go to the File menu and click Open Source then select the folder or you can just click in the white space below the words Source Folder.
There are two options of where to place the files. If you wish you may select a destination folder. If you do select
a destination folder the files in the source folder will be copied to the destination folder with there new names.
If you do not select a new folder of select the same folder for both source and destination the files will simply be renamed.
Altering Settings:Just click on the arrow beside "Options" and setting will appear.
There are two main ways to rename files:Regular or Indexed. If you rename files using the regular settings you can adjust case,
delimiters, and extensions. If you choose the Indexed setting you can give all the files a name and have just a number different so
all the files are unique.
Prefix: The value in this field will come before the Index
Suffix: The value in this field will come after the Index
Start: This is the number at which the Index should start
Digits: This is the number of digits the Index should contain. If the number of files is larger than the index allows
all digits will be displayed where necessary
Increment This is the number by which the Index should advance
Keep Extensions: This option is used if you want to keep your current extensions
The order of the tab options have significance for the program. The actions of the tabs on the left side happen before those on the right side. The best way to rename files is to start at the left-most tab and progress your way to the right as you would a book.
Letters From Start: This option will remove X letters from the very start of the filename.
Letters From End: This option will remove X letters from the very End of the filename.
Letters ... : This option allows you to have more control over what letters to remove. If you select to remove the letters from the start, X number of letters will be removed Y letters from the start. The letters will be removed from this point forward. If you select to remove the letters from the End, X number of letters will be removed Y letters from the end. The letters will be removed from this point towards the start of the filename.
Append: This option will insert the given letters onto the end of the file (before the extension if it exists).
Prepend: This option will insert the given letters onto the start of the file.
Insert: This option will allow you to insert the given letters X letters from the start or X letters from the end.
Delimiter Tab
Special Delimiter: This field is used so the user can choose how the program determines how the filenames should be altered.
New Delimiter:This field is used so the user can choose the new delimiter that will replace the Special Delimiter
Use Delimiter:This checkbox determines wether the Special Delimiter will be replaced. If this box is unchecked and
a value is present in the Special Delimiter field the value in the Special Delimiter box will still be used for Capitalzation
and other features
No Change: The case of the filenames will not be Altered
Caps: The first letter of all the words will be capitalized. Words are determined by the value in Special Delimiter
Uppercase: The whole filename will be in uppercase
Lowercase: The whole filename will be in lowercase
Extensions Exist: This option is used to allow the user to determine if the value after the period should be considered
an Extension
Add New Extension: This option allows the user to append an extension to the filename. If "Extensions Exist" is selected
and extensions are found the current extensions will be replaced otherwise the new extension will be appended to the filename. Case
change has no effect if this option is selected
No Change: No case change will be made to the current extensions
Uppercase: If this option and "Extensions Exist" are both selected the current extension will be set to uppercase
Lowercase: If this option and "Extensions Exist" are both selected the current extension will be set to lowercase
Automatically Update File List: If the user is trying to rename several thousand files this option should not be selected
so the filelisting is not refreshed on every change. If this option is not selected a button called "Update" will appear and should
be used when the user wants the filelisting to be updated.